Raising money for Abilene's Rescue The Animals.
For legal reasons, the format has altered ( see previous post) Every purchase of an ACEO (Art Card Editions & Originals) as shown above, will have a unique number (1/500) every ACEO purchased will give you the opportunity to be given one of the above two dolls and their carousel horses.
The cost of the ACEO is $2.00
The more you purchase, the greater chance you have of having the 'giveaway' number!!!!
The giveaway will be finalized on 10th July, however, if Rescue The Animals are able to identify the number, the date may need to change.. (TBC)
I will be sending ACEO's to every previous and new buyer.
100% of the money raised will be going to Rescue The Animals of Abilene. I am paying for the listing fees, paypal fees, postage, and of course, I handmade the dolls, and 'altered arted' the horses!!!
You can buy AECO's here: ETSY
or here: EBAY
or there is a button top right of my blog!
Please help me raise money for my local Rescue The Animals... it's just $2 for an AECO card, and look what you could be yours!!!
For more images, check out my Flickr page.