Tuesday, March 27, 2012

~ Thank you ~

Please visit my new blog to read my latest entry ~ Blogger has the pixies out again...


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

*Art Dolls for Sale*

My friend Jill, is having to part with her collection of Art Dolls to raise funds towards her husbands upcoming Kidney Transplant.  She doesn't have access to a camera, and doesn't have any online social networks, so I am helping her to show what she has to offer.
Since this is time sensitive, it seemed most appropriate to highlight each doll she has available, and the link to the sold doll for image reference. 
She has a minimum asking price for each art doll.  If you have an interest in any, please email Jill  ~ mckeon208@juno.com

*note added*  the links are to the  dolls Jill purchased, so the doll will be noted as 'sold', but Jill is now selling them.  The link is just for image reference. 

1. Magdalen by Evelyn's Wonderland ~   http://www.etsy.com/transaction/59980759

2. Astrid by CheekieBottoms ~   http://www.etsy.com/transaction/56648960

3. Joya by Anastasiasdolls ~   http://www.etsy.com/transaction/47570365

4. Ella by LoopyBoopy ~   http://www.etsy.com/transaction/44487519 

5. Green Dragonfly by the Filigree ~   http://www.etsy.com/transaction/61984161 

6. Azucena by Du Buh Du Designs  ~   http://www.etsy.com/transaction/51418785

Any help to promote this post would be absolutely precious to her.

*****NB ~ Jill stays awake at night to care for her husband, so please note she may take a while to email you back******

Thanks so much.  Abi
 *Dear Artists ~ Please let me know if I have permission to use one of your images to accompany this or further posts.  That would be fabulous*  :O)