Thursday, July 30, 2009
This weeks Treasury!
Go check them out, and don't forget to leave a comment!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A new Chinese Craze!
Well you wouldn't loose them in a crowd I guess!
Another crazy thing: I can access my blog, add posts, fiddle about, but can't leave comments on other blogs! it keeps telling me to sign in, so I do, and it totally ignores me! anyone else having this problem? or has Yve from Freaky Little Dolls passed on her PC Pixies? ;O)
Monday, July 27, 2009
If you've not checked out FuzzB, go do so! it's a new buying and selling site (well, new to me!) It's a little 'busy' for my brain to navigate, but I think I will set up a shop there - it's only 5 Bucks a month, or 25 Bucks per year for life (I like their positivity!!) with no other fees, and they are happy to promote all your other sites too (and lets face it - these are becoming endless!!)
I've joined, and already met a happy, talented bunch of people. Click on the chick....

Saturday, July 25, 2009
It's True!
I'm an Etsy Treasury addict!
Click on above link, or the images in the Gallery, to enter seller's shops (at end of posts) Thought I would take a break from Art Dolls!
AND! I just got a message from another Etsy seller, who featured my hearts in their Treasury: cool!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My Etsy Treasury for this week!
Go check it out! Don't forget to leave a comment on the Etsy page under the Treasury - the more comments, the more likely we'll get Admins attention!! well, you can but try! Click on the above link to get to the Treasury page.
ADO Dolls,
etsy treasury,
fabric dolls,
polymer clay
Friday, July 17, 2009
My Eve and Gaia ADO Four Elements Challenge!
...... And now for Gaia, The Greek Goddess personifying the Earth. My ADO four Elements challenge. She is made from cloth, and painted with watercolors.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Another Etsy Treasury Grab!
I grabbed another Treasury, and intend to every week, until we get to the front page!!! click on the above link . They are all outstanding as usual (I added a couple of non ADO members too, cos I adore their art)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Ok, no-one mentioned that if you sand clay, she ends up looking sanded! tee hee. Good job she's going to be painted eh! I also made the terrible mistake of using my neck as a model - never again, I have the grossest neck ever - do you think I need to tone down the neck details a bit more?! definition is good, but now you know how ugly my neck looks!!! :O) I have decided to finish her all in clay - hair, clothing (well, the tiniest amount!) and accessories... should be interesting. Her eye brows look huge in the photos too, so may tone those down a bit before she
is re-baked. Let's have some feedback, I need to be critiqued - or rather, she does!
What are the pros and cons to using real glass eyes?
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Polymer Clay Experiment! WIP
I have finally succumed to trying out Polymer Clay... I'm loving it so far, I have to say it's much easier than working with fabric... I have so many ideas running through my head, I can't work quickly enough. I quite like the idea of cheating and using a ready made mold (just discovered they exist!) but I think it would be more rewarding (although more frustrating!) to start from scratch. I'm trying to make a bust...I find getting the eyes to match a pain in the butt. I'm scared to put her in the oven incase it goes wrong! not that I'm ready for that yet!
I have also 'met' a new artist, who is such a sweet chick. She made this adorable pup. Isn't he cute?! Linda is also promoting a giveaway from Sarah of Cotton garden studio so go check both artists out!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
I got an Etsy Treasury! yeah!
Here is the link:
If you go check it out, remember to leave a comment there!
It was sooo difficult choosing from so many fabulous artists, and I also wanted to make sure I didn't duplicate any from DebiDesigns' Treasury. Two in one week eh! not bad going!
And guess who's in it? my all time favorite Tony Bear from Little Black Crow Studio. If someone would like to buy him for me, I'll love you forever :O)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
An award!
Thank you so much Dessa Rae for this beautiful award. As requested, I have passed the award on to one person - I chose Sonia from The Dark Ravens Nest.
Check out their brilliant blogs and art work!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
A Hundred Thousand Angels

Friday, July 3, 2009
Etsy Shop
I've finally opened my Etsy Shop! It's taken me a long time to list pieces, and I still have lot's more to add. It's all a bit scarey really! I also discovered I'm taking photos with a two smaller pixel thing, so when the images get enlarged, they loose sharpness. Drat. Live and learn eh!
abi monore,
Jewelry Mannequin,
Lavender sachet hearts
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