Shall start with the dolls....
This is a doll commissioned by a beauty of a woman. Inspiration was taken from an outfit she is wearing on her very own website. Thank you Brenda, such fun, & I finally got to use this fabulous fabric I've been saving for that 'right' doll! :O)

This is a doll commissioned by a beauty of a woman. Inspiration was taken from an outfit she is wearing on her very own website. Thank you Brenda, such fun, & I finally got to use this fabulous fabric I've been saving for that 'right' doll! :O)
My latest doll in my Bohemian collection ~ Henni.
She has her very own Ugg boots and Whimsy Pet.
I had a wonderful surprise today.. gifts made by my friend Natalie in Australia, who is so lovely and totally talented. I am thrilled, & wish she would open up an Etsy shop, don't you agree?!
Thank you so much Natalie, you rock :O)
Now some reminiscing...
A photo of friends & I (I'm the 18 year old in the middle!) We were all student nurses studying mental handicap, based at Aston Hall Hospital, Derby, UK in 1989.
Aston Hall was home to people who had been removed from society due to their mental handicap status. It wasn't the best way to support people who had disabilities, but that's the way it was in those days. The hospital closed down several years ago, and all those who lived there, now live in mostly small, person centered homes, which I hope, accomodates their individuality, with dignity & respect.
This is a photo of the Mansion... the nurses home was just beyond it... oh what fun we had!!
During those student years, I spent much of my free time, painting the backdrop scenery for the pantomime/play we held twice a year. I recently came across some photos of the now derelict hospital. I'm thrilled people no longer live in such an institutionalised setting, but I was so sad to see these images...
This hall used to be beautiful, with huge arched windows and wooden parquet flooring. Now the stage, burnt and vandalised
The staff canteen/cafeteria...
A corridor in one of the houses...
The Bra shelf!
Key numbers and locations...
Unfortunately the hall, and surrounding buildings where residents lived, are being demolished, but fortunately, the Mansion was pleasingly converted into apartments. One lucky person now owns the room we used to sit in for meetings, & exams!

Still awake? good, because there is just one more very important thing....
Please come and join us to raise much needed funds. All you need to do is create an art piece which will be auctioned on line. Please go and see Rebecca to join in ~ she would love to hear from you.