Monday, January 31, 2011

~ One World One Heart 2011 ~

My name is Abi, I'm an art doll maker, art doll collector, & animal collector.  I used to live in England, but now live in Oklahoma with my husband & growing animal sanctuary.

This event is principally about meeting & greeting! the additional bit is there's a door prize for one winner! Simply leave a comment & you'll have the opportunity to win my handmade art doll, her birdy friend, & wooden keyring. If doll's aren't your cup of tea, I'd still like to meet you!  I will use an online random number generator to determine the winner on February 17th.  Lisa's image above was my inspiration for this doll.
She's a 17.5" tall  ribbon jointed doll, made with paperclay & puppen fimo, painted with professional acrylics.  Bamboo viscose hair, vintage & current day fabrics, embellished with a beautiful miniature diamond & saphire style brooch. 
Her bird is handmade from English fabric, and sports a brass crown from Sweden ~ Thanks Christina!
The wooden heart keyring was handmade by my Dad in England. I painted it, and added the text.
A global collaboration, ready to be shipped anywhere on Earth!

PS.  I'm also giving away a handmade art doll sketch book/ journal over at Art Dolls Only, since we are participating as a team for this OWOH event too.

Friday, January 28, 2011

~ New Art Dolls & Journals ~

I have just completed a custom doll for a beautiful woman who is also an amazing cloth doll artist, amongst many more talents!
This doll is the first darker skinned gal I have made, and I really enjoyed being out of my comfort zone... I soon realised that getting dark skin results, even on camera proved tricky!  I told her new owner that I wouldn't share images until she was with her... but I couldn't resist sharing just a little.... :O)

Here is a little look at the doll I created for the One World One Heart event commencing 30 31 sure to come visit on Sunday Monday,  if you want to be in the draw for her and her friend! Actually, you have until the 17th February, so there is no rush!
I'm also donating a prize via the Art Doll Only blog. I will share the link when it's ready.

I've been busy creating journals.  Here is a gold spiral bound kraft covered one! it consists of watercolor paper, instead of the sketch paper.  I would be making them much faster, but since Epson decided my printer was no longer satisfactory, I have been driven to buy a new one. And wait.

I am making them in a variety of sizes, and thouroughly enjoying it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

~ Art Doll Journal ~ what do ya think?

Many people have suggested I sell prints of my dolls.... I'm not sure about prints per se, so I thought I would have a play.  I succumbed to purchsing a Zutter Bind-it-all (didn't need much encouragement!) It's a whole heap of fun! (except for reading the instruction manual, ugg, I hate that)

Experiment One Your thoughts s'il vous plaît?

This journal/sketch book features Snowflake on the cover.  The inner cover details a charming quote.  Snowflake and the quote, are printed on Strathmore watercolor cold press inkjet paper, and have a slightly bevelled edge to augment dimension.  6x6", 160 pages of premium acid free 110 gram  pale cream paper.  Silk ribbon completes.
I couldn't decide on ribbon, so have ordered this gorgeous ribbon as a contrast...

If you haven't met Lillalota who creates top notch printed ribbon in the South of France, visit her shop ~ HERE ~

*Would love some feedback*

I also played around on Etsy, instead of working..... my latest Treasury....called...
"Out of place, but what a beauty!"

Click ~ HERE ~ to go browse & shop!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Be my Valentine? New Doll & Nigel the pillow.

This is Valentine, and her two love birds!  she's now in my Etsy shop.

Nigel has settled in particularly well... he appears to be a pillow for both cat and dog!!

I recently purchased this gorgeous book by Kelly Rae Roberts.  It's lush.

I love these Love Birds! Too cute.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

~ Nigel ~ our new rescue dog!

This is probably my parent's fault, since they asked me only yesterday morning, if we had any new waifs or strays.  Yesterday my answer was no.  Today it is yes :O)

Meet Nigel the Daschund. (a perfectly reasonable Old Blighty name!)

Tonight he chose his bed...and snores.  Very loudly.

This rescue is thanks to my sister-in-law.  Her neighbours had beaten him, locked him out in the backyard with no shelter, food or water, and went away and are apparently, not returning.

Even though he has lived in an abusive household, he is adorable, sweet natured and loves our other dogs. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

~ First Art Doll of 2011 ~

I have been using Picasa for I don't know how long, and just discovered the create section... thought I would have a play.....

This is Steampunk, with her moving magnifying spectacles and musical movement backpack which plays 'somewhere over the rainbow', no less! - inspired by an image you can see on my flickr page HERE, for the first quaterly ADO Challenge.  I love the challenges, and my aim this year is to particiapte in all of them!!
Since it's the New Year, I thought I would share some eye candy, and my new calling cards which I am thrilled with!
This was custom designed and produced on a Heidelberg Offset press by Julie over at GoGoSnap
They have rounded edges, on a fabulous quality heavy matte, a vintage look, and a lovely decorative backside (now you can't say that very often!)  We are now working on the authenticity and care instuction postcards... so excited :O)

These arrived from Papaya Art.. the calender is gorgeous, and the stickers are so fabulous, I can't bring myself to use them!!

One talented jewelry artist, who happens to be a fabulous friend..... I love this piece so much...but go check out her stunning collection.... HERE

Love everything in this chicks shop too! Visit her Etsy shop HERE

Over and Out